We are a school community, with a Christian ethos, dedicated to providing an education to inspire life-long learning.
Welcome to Key Stage 2. At St Bartholomew’s years 3, 4 and 5 follow the KS2 curriculum, spread over four classes: Starling, Wagtail, Chaffinch and Woodpecker.
This term, children in Key Stage 2 have been lucky enough to take part in four weeks of Cricket coaching from Somerset Cricket Board.
Pupils learned a range of skills, including batting, bowling, throwing, catching, productive teamwork and effective communication.
Our Autumn Term topic is electricity. We have been learning about how to make a working circuit and what happens if we add extra bulbs or batteries, making predictions before putting them to the test. We have also found out about materials that are conductors and insulators.
As part of our English lessons, we have been reading “The Lion and the Unicorn” by Shirley Hughes. It is a story set in World War II and is about a young boy named Lenny, who is evacuated from London. Children have been writing imagined conversations from the pictures in the book, using speech punctuation, alternative speech verbs and inventive adverbs.
In our Computing lessons, we have been using Scratch to create cartoons of these conversations, using speech bubbles and coding delays between the sprites in order to make it look like a real conversation.